Category... Arts & CultureBusiness LuncheonChamber Of CommerceClubs/OrganizationsCommunityContinuing EducationFestivals & CelebrationsGovernmentHolidayNew Business Recreation & SportsSchools March April May June July August September October November December January February Search Results Found: 24 Button group with nested dropdown June 2025 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Market on the Square - Fridays at Founders 7 8 9 Ambassador Committee Meeting Art in the Park 10 Art in the Park 11 Art in the Park 12 Perk-up Portage Art in the Park 13 42nd Annual Spring Swing - Golf Outing Art in the Park Market on the Square - Fridays at Founders 14 15 16 Art in the Park 17 Art in the Park 18 Art in the Park 19 Art in the Park 20 Art in the Park Market on the Square - Fridays at Founders 21 22 23 Art in the Park 24 Art in the Park 25 Art in the Park Chamber Member Appreciation Mingle 26 Art in the Park 27 Art in the Park Market on the Square - Fridays at Founders 28 29 30 Art in the Park 1 2 3 4 5